Flying Through Clouds
Why Are They So Dangerous?
Southern Wings
Weather conditions
are a huge factor in aviation safety, and learning about cloud formations and
their potential dangers when flying is a vital part of pilot training in New
Sometimes flying
through clouds is just like driving through fog – you really can’t see much but
nothing bad happens – but sometimes they can represent extreme danger for
pilots, planes and passengers.
Across the history
of aircraft flight around the world planes have been damaged and even broken up
when encountering severe thunderstorm clouds in-flight.
Some clouds such as
the cumulonimbus are definitely a direct danger to aircraft; some clouds simply
indicate a potential problem and others have no effect at all.
During flight and
in pre-flight planning it is the pilot’s job to assess and evaluate weather
conditions as to whether they are a threat to the aircraft or not.
Types Of Clouds
In order to
accurately assess threat levels as a pilot it is important to know the
different types of clouds and how they affect weather and flight conditions.
While there are
officially hundreds of types of clouds, here in New Zealand the Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) categorises NZ
cloud types in the following 3 ways.
1. Low Level Clouds that form below
6500 feet
Stratocumulus (Sc) – flattened heaped cloud
Stratus (St) – low level dull grey layer cloud
Cumulus (Cu) – heaped or piled cloud
Towering Cumulus (TCu) – towering heaped cloud
Cumulonimbus (Cb) – rainy thundery heaped cloud
2. Middle Clouds that usually form
between 6500 feet and 20,000 feet
clouds may form at lower altitudes in some parts of NZ)
Altocumulus (Ac) – billowy mid-level cloud
Altostratus (As) – mid level layer cloud
Nimbostratus (Ns) – rainy layer cloud
3. High Level Clouds that usually
form above 20,000 feet over New Zealand
Cirrus (Ci) – thin wispy hair-like high level cloud
Cirrocumulus (Cc) – billowy or rippled wispy cloud
Cirrostratus (Cs) – veil like high layer cloud
Turbulence When Flying Through Clouds
Why do aeroplanes
jump up and down and lurch around when flying through clouds?
And can severe
turbulence damage the plane?
To understand the
answer to these questions we must first look at exactly what a cloud is and the
also understand the forces acting on an aeroplane during flight.
Clouds are made up
of tiny water droplets formed by rising water vapour as it cools.
These tiny water
droplets form clusters in which the air swirls about unpredictably due to the
denser internal conditions compared to the surrounding external air.
As a result complex
updrafts and downdrafts are created.
These cloud-borne
updrafts and downdrafts result in rapid and unpredictable changes to the lift force on the wings of an aircraft.
More or less lift
and the difference between these changes is what causes the aircraft to lurch
and jump about during flight, or turbulence as it is called within the
While most
encounters with turbulence are fairly routine (due to careful planning and
skill), and aeroplanes are designed to cope with the forces and pressures
placed upon them during these minor occurrences, it is the unpredictable nature
combined with the low visibility that makes them a danger to pilots, aircraft
and passengers.
What Happens In Severe Turbulence?
If a pilot is not
skilled enough or experiences extreme levels of turbulence, this can cause them
to lose control of the aircraft during flight.
This is a
particular concern around Cumulonimbus clouds (thunderstorm clouds) which can
be concealing severe turbulence, strong vertical motions, severe icing,
thunderstorms and hail.
This is why pilots
do not choose to fly through clouds if they are avoidable and plan their flight
path in order to avoid certain weather patterns involving large and dangerous
cloud formations (for larger passenger aircraft this means flying up above the
cloud base).
How Do Planes Fly Through Clouds?
Even though clouds
are dangerous it is not always possible to avoid them during flight, so how do
planes fly through clouds?
First we need to
understand the difference between flying using visual versus instrument based
When training to be a pilot there are two sets of
regulations that determine how and when pilots are able to fly their aircraft.
These are using Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and using Instrument Flight Rules
Visual flight rules
allow pilots to basically look out the window and fly according to what they
Flying IFR only
means you have to rely solely on the aircrafts on-board instruments to maintain
flight as there are little or no external visual references.
Not all pilots
are IFR rated (able to fly IFR only) as this requires
extra training and skills.
The low visibility
encountered when flying through clouds means using Instrument Flight Rules are
necessary. This explains the need, not only legally but also practically to
avoid clouds during flight if you are not IFR rated.
What Makes Flying Through Clouds So Dangerous?
Other than
turbulence and having the right skills to navigate low visibility flight
conditions there is one major thing that makes flying through clouds extremely
This is the
possibility of mid-air collision, mostly likely with other aircraft but also
with protruding buildings or landmarks taking up the combined airspace.
For aircraft which
are able to navigate using IFR like large passenger planes, it is impossible to
avoid passing through clouds during their daily flight paths, so how do they
avoid collisions with other aircraft?
The pilots are kept
informed by ground based Air Traffic Control (ATC) which keep track of all
aircraft in the area using on-board transponders and radio communications.
Should this fail some aircraft are equipped with on-board emergency Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS).
Southern Wings is built on a
heritage of flight training since 1935. It is one of New Zealand’s original
aviation colleges, operated by people who are passionate about flying and
assisting others to become pilots. The
college operates a varied, well-maintained fleet suitable for all training
purposes. The college’s main base is located at Invercargill Airport. Southland represents the largest uncontrolled
airspace in New Zealand, with Invercargill Airport providing experience with
Air Traffic Control in controlled procedural airspace. Our second base is located at Ardmore
Airport in Auckland. Ardmore is New Zealand’s busiest aerodrome and is on the
doorstep of North Island’s best attractions.
Wings is accredited as a training provider with CAA Part 141 and also has
certification in Air Transport Operations under CAA Part 135.
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