What are Fluids?
A fluid is
substance that can flow or continually deforms under an applied shear stress.
A shear stress
state is where the stress is parallel to the surface of the material. The term
fluid therefore includes liquids and gas.
There are of course
differences between liquids and gases.
Gases are
easily compressed whereas liquids are nearly incompressible. A liquid has
definite size but a gas expands to fill any closed vessel containing it.
However, in
discussing the mechanical behavior of fluids we use only the properties of
liquids and gases connected with their ability to flow.
Therefore, the
same basic laws control the static and dynamic behavior of both liquids and
Unlike solids,
fluids can change their shape readily, so their mechanical behavior cannot be
described in terms of mechanics of a rigid body as is the case with solids.
There is a
difference in the way a force acts on a fluid as opposed to a solid.
A force can be
applied to a single point of a solid and be sustained by it; but a force can
only be applied to and sustained by a surface of an enclosed fluid.
In a fluid at
rest such a force is always directed at right angles to the surface.
A fluid at rest
cannot sustain a tangential force; the fluid layers would simply slide over one
another when subject to such a force.
It is
convenient therefore to describe the force acting on a fluid by specifying the
pressure P, which is defined as the magnitude of the normal force per unit
surface area.
P= Force/Area
Pressure is a scalar quantity.
Pressure is a scalar quantity.
Fluids display
properties such as:
-- not resisting deformation, or resisting it only lightly (viscosity), and
-- the ability to flow (also described as the ability to take on
the shape of the container).This also means that all liquids have the property
of fluidity.
properties are typically a function of their inability to support a shear stress
in static equilibrium.
Solids can be
subjected to shear stresses, and to normal stresses both compressive and
In contrast,
ideal fluids can only be subjected to normal, compressive stress which is
called pressure.
Real fluids
display viscosity and so are capable of being subjected to low levels of shear
In a solid,
shear stress is a function of strain, but in a fluid, shear stress is a
function of strain rate.
A consequence
of this behavior is Pascal's law which describes the role of
pressure in characterizing a fluid's state.
Depending on
the relationship between shear stress, and the rate of strain, fluids can be
characterized as one of the following:
Newtonian fluids : where stress is directly proportional to rate
of strain
Non-Newtonian fluids : where stress is not proportional to rate
of strain
Rheology is the
science of deformation and flow.
One common
factor between solids, liquids, and all materials whose behavior is
intermediate between solids and liquid is that if we apply a stress or load on
any of them they will deform or strain.
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