Friday, December 28, 2018

PERSISTENCE AND SUCCESS - If you have reached any level of success in your life, chances are good that you paid a price to get there. Looking back, are you glad you paid the price to get you where you are today? Chances are because you did the hard things early in life, you can take things a little easier now. The funny thing about reaching financial success is that many people only see you where you are today and they don’t realize what it took to get there. Be grateful today for your persistence. If you’re not exactly where you want to be in your life, but you’re taking baby steps towards your goal – you’ll get there.

power of persistence
Persistence And Success

The Power of Persistence in your Success

By Lisa Ryan

Never underestimate the power of persistence. If you keep at it with much persistence, surely you cannot fail.

While you may encounter failure along the way, you haven’t failed unless you have accepted failure and given up on trying.

With true persistence and determination, your failings could be an indication that you are much closer to success than when you started.
“You must do the things today that others will not do so that you can have the things tomorrow that others will not have.” Anonymous
If you have reached any level of success in your life, chances are good that you paid a price to get there.
Whether you worked your way up the corporate ladder, built your own business, or achieved any other significant goals, you may not have had as many opportunities to “play” as your friends did.
Looking back, are you glad you paid the price to get you where you are today?

Failure and the lessons of LIFE

Chances are because you did the hard things early in life, you can take things a little easier now.
(Now I am not talking about a life totally focused on work and success at the expense of damaging relationships with friends and family, I’m simply talking about the ability to persist where others won’t.)
In 1987, I worked for an executive search firm in the data entry department. It was my first “real” job and at that point I knew that I only needed three things to make my career complete: a cool title, a business card, and my own office with a door. Yep, I had it all.
As I grew in my career however, the title, card, and office were no longer enough. I decided to leave it all behind to enter the ‘glamorous’ world of sales.
My very first sales job was at a placement agency, “selling secretaries.” It turned out to be a disaster, but I liked sales, I learned a lot, and I persisted.

First, you fail then you try again

For several years, I failed miserably in sales. It wasn’t until my fourth sales job that I experienced success.
Finally, I enjoyed what I did AND had all the perks of the successful rep. Life was grand once again. Persistence paid off.
The funny thing about reaching financial success is that many people only see you where you are today and they don’t realize what it took to get there.
No one pays any attention when the creditors are calling you day and night, the bills are piling up, and your suffering one loss after another as you’re trying to make ends meet.
However, when everything falls together and you begin to succeed in a big way, you are perceived as being very “lucky.”
The more you do, the more persistent you are, the luckier you get
Was Jack Canfield lucky with his Chicken Soup for the Soul books? No, I don’t think so.
Jack contacted 144 publishers with his idea for Chicken Soup for the Soul before someone gave him a chance.
He heard comments like, “The title is stupid.” “Nobody is going to buy a bunch of stories,” Etc
Where do you think Jack would be if he had stopped after contacting 100 publishers? Jack had to work very hard to get that lucky.
Be grateful today for your persistence. If you’re not exactly where you want to be in your life, but you’re taking baby steps towards your goal – you’ll get there.
Enjoy the journey and ultimately you’ll reach your destination.
Have fun, because while others may not understand your journey, it’s OK.
Persist anyway.

Lisa Ryan is the Chief Appreciation Strategist with Grategy, a company founded on the principles of leveraging the power of gratitude in business and in life. Utilizing 20+ years of sales, marketing, and training experience, As an employee engagement keynote speaker, Lisa helps companies keep their best customers and top talent from becoming someone else's. She does this by training individuals, teams and organizations the importance of appreciation in creating stronger relationships, and becoming healthier, happier and having a lot more fun in life. Lisa is the author of six books, including: "The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude," "Express Gratitude, Experience Good: A Daily Gratitude Journal," "From Afraid to Speak to Paid to Speak: How Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety Boosts Your Confidence and Career," and "With Excellence." She is featured in two movies: the award-winning "The Keeper of the Keys" with Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), John Gray (Men are From Mars/Women are From Venus), and Marci Shimoff (Happy for No Reason and "The Gratitude Experiment" with Bob Proctor, Dr. John DeMartini and Mary Morrissey.

power of persistence

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