Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Salmonella and E. coli are similar in the sense that they are both bacteria, but are in fact completely different types of bacteria. E-coli and Salmonella can be passed by a simple shake of a hand from people who have not washed their hands after relieving their bowel. Thus, always wash your hands before eating.

 Differences Between E. Coli & Salmonella
We have all heard of E-Coli and Salmonella contaminating our food, but have never been too fussed to find out what they actually are.
Are they the same thing or are they even similar to each other? Let’s find out!
Salmonella and E. coli are similar in the sense that they are both bacteria, but are in fact completely different types of bacteria.
Salmonella is the name of the group of over 2,500 types of bacteria that most commonly causes food poisoning in humans and animals.
Salmonella is spread by ingesting foods that are contaminated by salmonella such as raw eggs, raw meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and contaminated water.
Contamination takes place when these foods come into contact with animal or human feces and are not cooked properly.
Symptoms of Salmonella are diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cramps, headache, and last around 4-7 days. Symptoms can get more serious in infants and the elderly but overall will go away by themselves.
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram-negative bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms. While some strains are harmless, others can cause severe food 
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poisoning for humans.
E. coli infection is normally caused by contaminated food such as undercooked meat, lettuce milk, dairy or juice. However it can also be found in drinking water.
The bacteria lives in the intestines without (Most of the times) causing any problems.
However, several strains of E-coli can cause food poisoning and result in serious issues where bleeding and hemorrhaging occurs.
You can get E-coli by eating foods that have been improperly processed or harvested that may have come into contact with animal or human feces.
However it can also be found in drinking water.
The truth is, anytime there is a natural disaster there is the possibility of E. coli contamination of tap water.
The most common symptom of E-coli is recognized by symptoms which involve a bloody stool, which should be taken to immediate hospital care.
Salmonella and E-coli outbreaks are both rooted by the contamination of feces, but are different bacteria that pose different risks.
Now that you have educated yourself on the differences, it is most important to keep yourself healthy and free from these bacteria.
How to protect yourself
The best way to avoid any infection from E-coli and Salmonella is to maintain hygiene. Always thoroughly wash your vegetables and fruits as they may have come into contact with dirt which may have been contaminated by feces.
In fact, E-coli and Salmonella can be passed by a simple shake of a hand from people who have not washed their hands after relieving their bowel. Thus, always wash your hands before eating.
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Secondly, it is always important to cook your meat thoroughly, especially chicken. Those who crave their meat nice and rare, pose 
a risk to catching one of these infections.
Lastly, it is important to maintain clean drinking water in your household so that your family does not consume E-coli or Salmonella from your water source. 
A purified drinking water system will be your best bet to safe water! 
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Influenza & The Importance Of Drinking Water 

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