Wednesday, July 15, 2020

SQUIRM! DEADLY EARTHWORMS... AND WORM POOP...? - Earthworms are incapable of biting you. They are too small and lack the necessary muscles and teeth to inflict damage to your body. Unlike us humans, Earthworms do not have eyes. They instead have special cells in their body (called 'light cells of Hess'). These cells can detect light and because earthworms are photophobic (light deters them), it allows them to navigate in order to find a safe and dark place for them to hide and bury themselves. Surprisingly, Earthworms do not kill humans and eat their flesh. They instead, eat decaying plant matter, animal waste, and small organisms. - It came from the ground... the most horrifying... ravenous... hungry... monster you will ever see. It is a bunch of... Earthworms! BOO! After watching that trailer from the 1970's, I am sure your hands are shaking with terror. First of all, to clarify, Earthworms are incapable of biting you. They are too small and lack the necessary muscles and teeth to inflict damage to your body. These creatures are in a cylindrical shape and are made up of a series of compartments or body segments, called metamerisms. Earthworms have small holes throughout their body called pores; they excrete a slimy liquid to protect the worms body surface, also, allowing them to breathe. Unlike us humans, Earthworms do not have eyes. They instead have special cells in their body (called 'light cells of Hess').


Squirm! Deadly Earthworms... and Worm Poop...?


Earthworms are incapable of biting you. They are too small and lack the necessary muscles and teeth to inflict damage to your body. Unlike us humans, Earthworms do not have eyes. They instead have special cells in their body (called 'light cells of Hess'). These cells can detect light and because earthworms are photophobic (light deters them), it allows them to navigate in order to find a safe and dark place for them to hide and bury themselves. Surprisingly, Earthworms do not kill humans and eat their flesh. They instead, eat decaying plant matter, animal waste, and small organisms.


It came from the ground... the most horrifying... ravenous... hungry... monster you will ever see.

It is a bunch of... Earthworms! BOO!

After watching that trailer from the 1970's, I am sure your hands are shaking with terror.

First of all, to clarify, Earthworms are incapable of biting you.

They are too small and lack the necessary muscles and teeth to inflict damage to your body.

These creatures are in a cylindrical shape and are made up of a series of compartments or body segments, called metamerisms.

Earthworms have small holes throughout their body called pores; they excrete a slimy liquid to protect the worms body surface, also, allowing them to breathe.

Unlike us humans, Earthworms do not have eyes.

They instead have special cells in their body (called 'light cells of Hess').

These cells can detect light and because earthworms are photophobic (light deters them), it allows them to navigate in order to find a safe and dark place for them to hide and bury themselves.

Surprisingly, Earthworms do not kill humans and eat their flesh.

They instead, eat decaying plant matter, animal waste, and small organisms (i.g. nematodes, bacteria, fungi, etc).

Now, how do Earthworms eat?

Ok, so I know I just said Earthworms don't kill humans... but let's say you happened to get swallowed by a giant Earthworm... how would that go down...?

The Earthworm would eat you with its mouthparts which act as a type of suction cup.

You would then be crushed by minerals in the worm's body; found inside of you.

Afterward, you would further be digested inside the worm's intestines; by going through a bunch of chemical processes for the worm to digest the cellulose, fat, proteins, and polysaccharides found inside you.

After you are fully processed, all the parts of you, the worm does not need, would be pooped out (how fun...!).

The worm's 'poop system' consists of two organs, called nephridia (the equivalent of a kidney), which are present in almost every segment of the Earthworm.

The waste (you), would be carried through the 'wall' of the worm and then, excreted from the side of the worm, via a pore.

Hooray! You made it through an Earthworms digestive system!

Here, have some potting soil for your valiant efforts!

And yes... your reward is literally... dirt cheap.

Did you enjoy hearing about the worms digestive track?

Are you scared of Earthworms?

Did I scare you? Let me know in the comments!

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