Wednesday, March 13, 2019

FOCUSING ON PRODUCTIVITY - The Hour of Power, when used right, can be an incredibly productive time for you. During this hour you do only those things that monetize your business. What this simply means is this; any activity during this hour results in bringing money into your business. The process can be somewhat tricky. This is where complete honesty comes in. You must quit lying to yourself. Use Your Time Productively. Building a successful business takes discipline. It’s a matter of letting go of the time wasters (and being really honest about that) and incorporating money makers.

how to be highly productive
Focus on Being Productive
By Kathleen Gage 

Today I received a message from a new client who hired me to help her get on track with growing her service-based business.
Her greatest challenge is ‘knowing how to streamline her efforts to accomplish more in a shorter period of time’.
Like many people, she is busy all day long, but not necessarily productive. 
There’s a saying, “In order for things to change, you must change.”
The primary reason people hire a coach is to change the way they are doing things to be much more productive.
If you hire a coach and continue to do things the same way you’re wasting your time and money. 
With productivity in mind, I recently tasked a few of my clients to keep track of their daily activities for a period of one week with the focus on the first hour of their workday.
I call this the Hour of Power.
Build on the Power Hour
The Hour of Power, when used right, can be an incredibly productive time for you. During this hour you do only those things that monetize your business.
What this simply means is this; any activity during this hour results in bringing money into your business.
§     Lead generation
§     Follow up on leads
§     Product creation
§     Email promotions
§     Proposal writing
§     Product launch
The process can be somewhat tricky. This is where complete honesty comes in. You must quit lying to yourself.
For example, if someone is always in the product creation phase, but never launches, then product creation is a time waster rather than a good use of time.
Another example is when someone uses their phone calling time to touch base with family and friends. Nope! That’s not what the Hour of Power is used for.
Use Your Time Productively
Recently, one client proudly sent me her list of what she did during her first Hour of Power.
She had at the top of the list, “Catch up with my Facebook messages.”
 “That is NOT a productive use of time,” I immediately told her.
Why? Because nothing was done to bring money into her business. What she did was create busy work, not money-generating activities.
Here’s the deal; building a successful business takes discipline. Anyone who tells you otherwise is likely not running a successful business.
There are things you have to be willing to let go of and other activities you absolutely must incorporate into what you do on a daily basis.
Ready to implement your own Hour of Power?
1.  Commit to an Hour of Power for the next three days. The reason it is only three days is to make it manageable. If you commit too much more than that you might convince yourself it is more than you can do.
2. Spend the first hour of your day 100% focused on revenue generating activities. This means you do nothing for that hour but what’s in front of you to make money. No email, no social media, no watching cute videos, nothing.
3. You may need to set your alarm to get up an hour earlier than usual in order to complete your Hour of Power activities.
4. Keep track of what you accomplished over the three days during your Hour of Power.
Focus on Revenue Generating Activities
By starting your day with only those activities that add revenue to your bottom line, you will be amazed at how quickly things can (and will) change. But again, you must be completely honest about what you are doing.
It’s a matter of letting go of the time wasters (and being really honest about that) and incorporating money makers.
If you’re not sure you will stick with it, enlist the help of an accountability buddy. Still not sure?
Then maybe you’re not serious about wanting things to change and you’d prefer to keep lying to yourself.
Where do you find yourself lying about how productive you are? What needs to change for you?
Discover success insights from experts around the globe who are out there making a difference and making a great living in the process.
Kathleen Gage interviews the best of the best with Power Up for Profits Podcast.  

Kathleen Gage is the "no-nonsense, common sense" online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up For Profits. She helps entrepreneurs make money online. Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice. As an early adopter of online marketing, Kathleen is considered to be one of the nation's most passionate speakers. She is known for cutting through the fluff and helping people leave their sob stories behind so they can stop focusing on the past and start looking towards the future.

how to be highly productive

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