Friday, May 5, 2017

DIAPERS FOR ADULTS - Should You Fix or Hide Incontinence? - Other than concealing leaks, you have options to try to fix the problem causing your incontinence. Diapers are one reasonable way to manage your leaky bladder. But it’s time to put an end to the normalization of incontinence.

Diapers for 
Should You Fix or Hide Incontinence?

By Lauren Streicher, MD 
Am I the only one who’s offended every time I see a commercial for adult diapers that not only normalizes grown-ups’ wearing them, but also makes it seem like the height of fashion?
Of course, I’m glad that the taboo topic of incontinence is getting out in the open. But the approach for this common (but not normal and certainly not fun) situation is to fix it, not accommodate it.
Companies formerly focused on babies are now catering to the 30 percent of adult women who experience urinary or fecal incontinence.
According to a February 2016 Bloomberg Businessweek article, in the next decade we can expect “a 48 percent increase in sales in the category,” and “sales of diapers for adults could surpass those for babies.”
In the article, a comment by Jay Gottleib, head of Kimberly-Clark’s adult and feminine-care business in North America, says it all: “We’re trying to make the product more normal, and even fun, with real people in our ads saying, ‘Hey, I have bladder leakage, and it’s no big deal.’”
No big deal? Fun to try not to laugh, cough, or sneeze?
Fun to worry about peeing on your partner during intimacy and sex? 
Fun to play a game of tennis and find a little puddle on the court?
Fun to stay home or risk smelling like a toilet?

4 Options for Treating Urinary or Fecal Incontinence

Other than concealing leaks, you have options to try to fix the problem causing your incontinence.
Here are my four recommendations for avoiding diapers as your newest wardrobe accessory:
1. Kegel Exercises These moves can strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles that are responsible for leaky bladders.
And, let’s face it: Almost as commonly as they’re recommended, Kegels fail.
Theoretically, exercising and strengthening pelvic floor muscles will help keep you dry, but studies show that few women do them correctly or consistently.
2. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. What women really need is a personal trainer for their pelvic floor.
Pelvic floor muscle training, along with behavior modification and biofeedback with an experienced pelvic floor physical therapist, has long been established as successful treatment for incontinence.
The American Physical Therapy Association’s Section on Women’s Health can help you locate a qualified therapist if one is practicing in your area. 
Still, relatively few women have access to this type of specialized therapist - or adequate insurance coverage for the treatment.
Even if women do find a pelvic floor therapist, few are willing to commit to the time required for successful therapy to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and stop incontinence.
Indeed, in my experience, only a small percentage of women take advantage of this highly effective option.
3. Do-It-Yourself Devices and Apps. There’s no end of over-the-counter devices that claim to cure incontinence.
But no scientific studies have shown that vaginal cones, balls, or weights work, despite the enthusiastic testimonials you may find on product websites. 
Far more promising are new devices such as PeriCoach that are designed to replicate what a pelvic floor physical therapist does.
The associated smart phone app not only provides a progressive exercise program, but even more importantly gives you biofeedback so you do your Kegels consistently and properly enough to be effective. Yes, it’s an app for your vagina!
4. Consultation With a Urogynecologist. If the above strategies don’t work for you and your doctor is out of options or simply says your leaky bladder is “a normal consequence of aging,” it doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution!
Ultimately, some women require help from a specialist who may explore options such as Botox, surgery, or medication.
Get another opinion from a urogynecologist: a gynecologist with special expertise in treating incontinence.
The International Urogynecological Association can help you locate one.
So yes, diapers are one reasonable way to manage your leaky bladder. 
Impressa tampons that are inserted into the vagina to give a little support to the urethra are another, and can also make a difference for women who have stress incontinence.
But it’s time to put an end to the normalization of incontinence.
Lauren Streicher, MD is an Associate Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University’s medical school, The Feinberg School of Medicine. Her clinical interests include all aspects of women’s health but Dr. Streicher has a particular interest and expertise in menopause and sexual health. She has devoted her career to the premise that if women are given good information, they will make good decisions for themselves and the people around them. Dr. Streicher is currently appearing regularly on ABC’s Windy City Live! and is a recurrent guest on shows such as The Dr. Oz Show, The Steve Harvey Show, and The Today Show.

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