Sunday, February 26, 2017

OSTEOPOROSIS - This disease is characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue. It literally means "porous bones." Calcium is essential in building and maintaining bone and bone tissue.

Water And 
About 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, which literally means "porous bones."
This disease is characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue. Thirty-four million suffer from low bone mass, but have not been diagnosed with the disease. Yet.
There are some risk factors that we cannot change, as in gender and race. However, other risk factors are indeed preventable.
And, something as simple as water can aid in both preventing and coping with this disease. But just as water can help- it can also harm.
Fluoride-tinged water can increase the risk of bone fractures by 20-40%. It can also contribute to abnormal bone growth.
Many municipalities could have fluoride in their water systems, and the only way to remove it is by distillation or with a reverse osmosis water filter.
Those who are at risk for osteoporosis should invest in a good quality filter to make sure fluoride is removed. Those with the disease should do the same because of the fracture risk.
Calcium – or lack thereof-- is the first and foremost nutrient associated with osteoporosis. This element is essential in building and maintaining bone and bone tissue.
While milk and supplements are the primary source for this, there is also a calcium-rich mineral water available.
Aqua therapy is also a great way to stay in shape and help relieve pain involved with osteoporosis.
Since exercising is crucial to health and much exercise can be a risk factor in falling and breaking a fragile bone, those with osteoporosis are caught in a Catch-22.
So, water activities are an alternative. In the water, exercising can build muscle and also help reduce pain, improve balance, increase range of motion and increase circulation.
It is also smart to avoid smoking, caffeine and alcohol.
So, replace those beverages with water- a much better alternative and will give many other health benefits.

A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules. The term was coined by Joseph Heller, who used it in his 1961 novel Catch-22.
An example would be:
"How am I supposed to gain experience [to be hired for a job] if I'm constantly turned down for not having any?
Catch-22s often result from rules, regulations, or procedures that an individual is subject to but has no control over because to fight the rule is to accept it. Another example is a situation in which someone is in need of something that can only be had by not being in need of it. (A bank will never issue someone a loan if they need the money.)
One connotation of the term is that the creators of the "catch-22" situation have created arbitrary rules in order to justify and conceal their own abuse of power.

Adverse Effects of Fluoride on Brain Development Scientifically Confirmed
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Submersible Pumps

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